I am blessed.

You know, I've always known that. This isn't a news flash or a revelation to me. But this weekend, in particular, I am blessed because of YOU. So far I've heard from over 20 of you...some old friends, a couple of new friends, a few strangers. I've also gotten e-mails from several of you. And many of these comments and e-mails were deeply personal. Many of you have been able to relate in one way or another and have shared that with me. Many of you were incredibly encouraging and inspiring to me. Some of you have made me laugh...every one of you has made me smile. Knowing that I am supported by such incredible friends is a blessing that I do not take lightly...THANK YOU for being behind me!
I was in counseling a while back for an unrelated issue and the subject of hearing loss came up. The counselor said that he felt that I had a lot of self-esteem issues from my deafness, but I set him straight on that. He didn't know what he was talking about. Or so I thought. I think it took me getting out of my safety zone and meeting other deaf people before I realized how hard the past few years have been, physically and emotionally. I was frankly not looking forward to the convention that much...I thought it would be kind of weird. I had no idea how life-changing it would be and I'm so glad I went. Stepping out of your box and taking risks can be so rewarding :)!
I got an e-mail today from a lady named Shari that I met while in OKC. She is from the Nashville HLAA chapter and she somehow managed to find this blog. She assured me that Harry Potter WILL be opened captioned when it hits the theater, and told me that there are TWO opened captioned theaters in Nashville (the other one is at 100 Oaks)! How cool!! I am waiting to see when the showtimes will be and I am GOING! Wouldn't that be awesome?? I wish y'all could all come with me!
We picked up Katie from camp last night and didn't get home until around 1 AM. It was so good to have my beautiful daughter back home with me (we haven't spent much time together in about a week and a half!) safe and sound and happy (but tired!). Now I have another daughter missing...Rachel went yesterday with Doug, Lisa, and Alexis to Gatlinburg for the weekend! She'll be home sometime Tuesday night, making it two full weeks since our entire family has been together!
I'm going to get off and try to get some housework done (I'm undermotivated, as usual). I just had to say thanks, though, to all of you, for your incredible response and support. You are all blessings to me, and I thank God for you all!
Love to all...


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